Register / Start a New Case

Once your account is active, go to and Log in to begin the new case registration.

New patient boton.PNG

1.  Click on New Patient to start a new case record.

2.  Enter Patient information.

- Enter patient name, DOB and gender 

- Default doctor's office and name should appear automatically in drop down menu.

- Select an associated lab if you have selected one for 3rd party manufacturing.

Patient info.PNG

- Click on Next to save patient information

Note: The next, button will navigate to the patient image page.

3.  load recommended PATIENT images

Add images buton.PNG

- Click Add Images button and find image files to upload (recommended images: All intra-oral and a panorex). You can select multiple images at once.

 Note: File directory window will open for you to find the image files.

Note: All images loaded on portal will automatically be available to view in Arcad SmileStudio software

Note: All images loaded on portal will automatically be available to view in Arcad SmileStudio software


- Click on Next button to save to our Cloud Based Portal and navigate to Order Creation tab

4. Open Order Tab to create/add an order to the patient

- Select Order Type from menu options

select order type.PNG

5. select order type

-Answer a few questions to create the appropriate order type and add-on services.

order selection questions.PNG

-Click NEXT to save your order type and navigate to the order Rx page.

Grey next.PNG


- Complete the Order Rx page entering all required fields market with an *. We highly recommend you provide us with as much end of treatment goals as possible, when requesting Arcad to design the treatment plan.

Click next to navigate thru Rx wizard

Click next to navigate thru Rx wizard


-Select Treatment Type from drop down menu (*required field)

Xpress (light tooth movement)

Limited (moderate tooth movement)

Unlimited (complex full tooth movement)

Refinement (mid course correction)

-Select Arches to be treated (*required field)

-Fill out prescription details that you would like incorporated into the setup.

          - Class relationship (*required field)

          - Midline, overbite & overjet

          - Spacing

          - Arch width

          - Crossbite

          - Crowding

7. UpLoad patient impressions

Patient Impression

-Under the impressions field, please select the type of impressions your are sending (Physical or Digital). If digital, you can manually upload them to the order

- Click on Upper or Lower STL buttons and find files to upload. (Recommended file types: .STL for any open export scanners

Note: Allow for each file to reach 100% upload before continuing to submit order.

Note: Allow for each file to reach 100% upload before continuing to submit order.


-Should you choose to send the patients scan directly from the available list of scanner with have a direct connect gateway, please select accordingly.

Note: You must create the connection between Arcad and your scanner service to allow the automatic transfer of the scans from your scanner to Arcad.

For 3Shape - You can add us to your scanner lab connections under our lab email

For iTero - You will need to contact Aligntech support and ask them to add Arcadlab to your Itero scanner as one of your labs.

scanner selection.PNG

8. More tooth specific prescription fields

- Indicate IPR instructions

*Required field

*Required field

 -If IPR is required as per your indications, use the diagram to indicate

- Click on the green plus sign in between the teeth you are indicating IPR. The IPR dialog window will open.

- Type the amount of IPR you are indicating




- To provide tooth specific instructions use the same tooth diagram

- Click on the tooth you are providing instructions for, to open the tooth instructions window

- Select instruction. A marker icon will appear on tooth selected.


 -Once the Rx is completed, you can save as a draft to submit at a later time or click next to submit


9. select order due date

-Click Next to submit and select a date when your order should be delivered.

order needed by.PNG

Note: Date selection is block out according to each order type specific turnaround time. Contact us at for more information on all services turnaround times.

10. submit order

-Click SUBMIT button to complete order creation and for Arcad to start processing order accordingly.


-Submitting will move the case status to record review and we will begin processing the case

- You should receive an email notification within 2-3 business days to review the setup.

- Once you approve the setup, we will fabricate the trays to your specification and ship them to your office within 5-6 business days from your approval date.

If you selected In-Office printing as additional service the exported files will be available for you to download in 1 to 2 business days.